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September 9, 2003




『国立国会図書館月報  2003年8月号(509号)』の14・15ページ「カード目録の撤去と新しい目録ホール(岡村光章)」をご覧ください。

【追記 9/16】『月報』の16-20ページに「カード目録今昔、思い出すままに(横山順子)」という記事もあります。また英文も掲載しました。

5.2 Million Catalog Cards for Japanese Books ( 1945 - ) Were Discarded

LIBRARY The news that the librarians of the National Diet Library (NDL) discarded their card catalog as trash, came as a great shock to us, librarians.

" About 1,000 cards per card-drawer were first thrown into a cardboard box."

" When the box was full, it was carried to a 2 ton truck waiting at the West entrance. The cards were tossed in the back of the truck by emptying the box upside-down."

The dumping of catalog cards was carried out on May 19th 2003, the day the NDL was closed.

You can read more about this in The National Diet Library Monthly Bulletin. (Japanese only)

The National Diet Library Monthly Bulletin. , August 2003, no.509
Mitsuaki Okamura "Removal of the Card Catalog and the new Catalog Hall" 14-15p.
Junko Yokoyama "Past and present of the Card Catalog in retrospect" 16-20p.

Categories: カード目録, 目録